I was challenged/tested a few times in highschool. One instance during my senior year a man named Paul volunteered to edit my senior class' college
supplemental essays. My college counselor was no help so i went to him after school. After I introduced myself, he very creepily asked "where do you
live," I responded with "oh i live in the bronx" and he asked me again "where do you live," and I said "like south bronx." And he asked me a third time,
and i responded the same. He asked me for a forth time (and i panicked) so I said a random street. After asking me four times he switched the conversation
to the essay he was supposed to edit and I just went along with it because I needed help editing my essays although I was really creeped out..

The image below is how I decided to visualize how I felt in that moment - overwhelmed & trapped.

I would define myself as a perfectionist. Growing up the daughter of two immigrants it was an unsaid expection for me to be the perfect student and daughter. This
meant getting straight As and helping around the house. Although it was unsaid (and impossible) standard it continues to affect me today. Becuase of this (and
witnessing how hard my dad works for my sisters and I) I value my worth in how well I perform at school. When I notice myself
putting school work before getting food to eat, I try to remind myself that my worth ≠ productivity.